Sunday, February 28, 2010

Running Reflection

Well, today I ran the most I've ever run: 6 miles. I'd have to say I'm rather proud of this because 5 months ago I couldn't run 10 minutes straight. I'm a slow runner, more of a jogger, but I ran for an hour and 15 minutes today. It was icy, I slipped a few times and I wanted to quit about a million times, but I'm almost halfway to my half-marathon goal. I have 55 days until the Get in Gear Half-Marathon. It has been seemingly more of a mental battle than a physical one, but being someone not used to running more than maybe 3 miles at a time (in the last 5 months that is) it has been grueling on my body. I get sore every time I run, but I know I am accomplishing something so it doesn't bother me so much. I still haven't quite figured out how to eat right and that has been frustrating as I'd like to try and drop a few pounds (or inches) in this pursuit. Now that I'm focused on this half-marathon, I've been looking for a few more to run before I head back to Korea for the summer. Possibly the Green Bay half-marathon?

Picture: Brittany, Kate and me after the Snowflake Shuffle 5K in St. Joseph, MN. I ran right around a 36 minute 5K which is normal for me, but I'm looking to improve on that :)

And for those interested, this is the half-marathon plan I've been using.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Here's Hoping

I have decided to revamp my blog in hopes that I will be posting more often. I have realized that I really miss writing about everyday things, while trivial, it is cathartic. I am also in the beginning stages (4 weeks in) of training for a half-marathon and I thought it would be nice to have a place to document my successes and failures, my angst and happiness through the training process. I've also decided that while I'm not very good about doing things everyday, I want to work on updating as much as possible. Maybe just pictures, maybe short words, anything to keep the creativity flowing.

Today's picture: a beautiful sunset from Karon Beach on Phuket, Thailand. It's cold and snowy here, but in early August I was spending my evenings on the balcony of the Hilton Arcadia Resort. A beautiful ending to the most amazing vacation I've ever had.

Thankful Thursday

Having my paper finished and handed in

A rather relaxing weekend ahead, not too much homework

New York City in 8 days!

Being patient

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Registering for a half-marathon (hoping I'll be ready is another thing)

Having Dustin meet my family last weekend

Heading to Duluth this weekend

Trying new recipes