Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I have decided to spend my summer in Korea. I will be in Deajeon (대전) at Woosong University. I'll be there from about June 5 until August 10-ish. Not only will I be taking a class (supposed to be two, but I'm already in Vocabulary Acquisition so I'll take 3 credits of thesis), but I will also be teaching listening and speaking classes to Korean students studying for the TOEIC. I currently teach listening and speaking at St. Cloud State University so this should be a nice and relatively harmless transition. I won't be working with the little ones like I did in 2008-2009, but I'm still looking forward to spending yet another summer in the Land of the Morning Calm.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thankful Sunday

Running 8 miles (only 5 more in my pursuit to the half-marathon...and I have 5 weeks!)

Spending a wonderful 5 days in New York City

Heading to Missouri on Thursday to see Kali (my best new mommy friend) and then Founder's Day weekend at Cottey College (it's been 5 years!!)

Spring has sprung!

Only 6 weeks of classes remaining.

Heading to Korea for the summer!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday

This week I am thankful for:

Spring break starting

Running 7 miles and working on speed

Going to New York City tomorrow!!!

Being content with where life is leading me