Sunday, April 27, 2008

July 1st

Well, I'm about 95% sure I will be teaching at Brown International School (BIS) starting July 1st. This means that yes, I will have to miss my cousin's wedding, being that I'll most likely leave June 26th-ish. Well and because the wedding is July 4th, but anyway...I will be living in Gangnam, which is the more foreigny part of Seoul, but nonetheless amazing. I started taking impromptu Korean lessons with a girl in my graduate class and I have learned a few things, but obviously I have more to learn. However, I can say hello, thank you, where is the restroom, I am from America and my name is Molly. Pretty good, huh...oh and I can count to 10. Sweet. I'm starting to stress out about all the paperwork I have to have completed, especially my diploma, but I try not to worry too much because I think it will work out, keep those fingers crossed.

BIS sounds like a great place to work, but I only get 2 sick days the whole year and I'm still unsure about vacation days outside of national holidays, but this is a growing experience, right? I'm really excited to start teaching, but it seems like I have a million things to do before I leave. Trips to Chicago for Visas, figuring out my McDonald's schedule, etc. It'll all work out, everything always does, but still incredibly stressful.

Last week of classes start tomorrow and then it's finals week. I have two finals, both on May 6th and then I am done. Completely finished with my undergraduate career, sans the graduation ceremony of course, but I'll be done! I'm incredibly's about time I finish school and start experiencing the world beyond Mississippi, Wisconsin and the United States. I don't think I can entirely express how happy I am!

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