I think I'll start things with my favorite pastime...a countdown, or three. 17 days of teaching left, 24 days until Thailand and a mere 34 days until I touch down in America. I can't believe how fast time has flown by and how much I feel like I have accomplished, but also how much I have yet to accomplish. It's been crazy at work lately and while I didn't intend for this to be such a (probably) spiteful blog, it will almost certainly turn into that.
Let me start off by saying that overall my experience at BIS has been fabulous. I get paid on time, I live in a highly coveted location, I have a very nice apartment and I have an amazing boss who will do anything for me (and my co-workers). My students, for the most part are great and they have come a long way in the time I've taught them and I don't mind my working hours. So, what's the problem? Report cards. Seemingly pointless schedule/class changes. "Changing" the way I'm supposed to teach a certain class. Workload overload.
1. Report Cards- Yes, as a teacher in the States (which is what I aspire to be) I will have to do report cards so why am I complaining? It's the way we have to do the report cards, when I first arrived I was responsible for 5-7 classes (45 students) worth of report cards, just general commenting on their ability and possible a recap of the term. Now, I have to write report cards for 14 classes (roughly 100 students).
2. Seemingly pointless schedule/class changes-The schedule was changed due to some sort of scheduling conflict with the kids. Justified. However, what I find pointless is having us teach 6 classes in a row on Tuesday and Thursday while only having 4-5 on Monday, Wednesday, Friday when one of the T/TR classes has three yes, THREE students in it. Why couldn't they be added to one of the other T/TR classes of the same grade level? It's to challenge the students, while they aren't the same level, they are close enough and the class I teach (the same for both sections) is taught the same. Same material, same homework, same everything. I challenge both classes in the same way and I get the same results regardless of class. If this class of THREE were to be consolidated into the class of FIVE it would be a nice, well-rounded class with plenty of challenging material AND an extra break for teachers who already teach 34-35 classes a week...again, probably close to what I'd be teaching in the States, but a lot of English teachers in Korea teach anywhere from 15-25 classes and earn as much or more than I do.
3. "Changing" the way I'm supposed to teach Trophies-Trophies is a reading class with stories, vocabulary, corresponding questions and a workbook. Since I started at BIS I have conducted my Trophies classes in a manner similar to this: 2 weeks on a story (2-4 classes depending on the grade level), day 1-introduce the reading and vocab, read story in class, assign workbook pages. day 2-talk about reading, read story in class, assign workbook pages and write vocabulary sentences. day 3-spelling test on vocabulary words, story map w/ summary (to identify important parts of the story), go over Think & Respond (questions in the book) assign reading and Think & Respond questions. day 4-workbook test and assign next reading. So, today my boss came in and told me that I need to "change" my approach to Trophies because "the students will learn better Engrishee if you change the Trophies teaching." How am I supposed to change it you ask? Well, apparently I'm supposed to spend 2 weeks on a story, assign vocab sentences, give a spelling test, assign summaries, assign reading and Think & Respond questions. I suppose I can change.
As my work frustrations mount, my excitement for Thailand and home also increase. I am sooooo thankful to have this job and I didn't want to complain because as I said, it's not a bad job, but I'm burned out and that's the source of the frustration. I need a vacation. Not having a decent break since the end of December can really wear a person out. I'm sure I'll look back on this blog entry in 4 months and think, "Hey, it wasn't that bad...and you miss it."
I'm confused about changing your teaching approach...it sounds the same as what your doing, if not a little less thorough?
haha, whoops!! I posted under Jamie's blogger thing. :D
I was trying to be sarcastic...haha. I'm not going to change my teaching!!
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